Tee Box In Golf Explained: A Complete Guide


There is much more to a tee box than being the spot where you take your first swing on the golf course. The tee box is found within the teeing area, which is so important that it comes with its own dedicated definition and set of golf rules.

The teeing area is one of the five defined sections of a golf course. Alongside the teeing area, there are three other specific areas: the penalty area, bunkers, and the putting green. All of the space outside these four areas is grouped into the general area, which completes the five sections.

In this post, we will go over everything you need to know about a tee box on a golf course.

image of the teeing area on a golf course

What Does Tee Box Mean In Golf? Is It The Same As The Teeing Area?

Let’s look at a simple explanation for both the teeing area and tee box and then go over them in more detail further in this post.

  • The teeing area (previously known as the teeing ground) is typically composed of short, fairway-height grass, and has a defined overall size. Its most crucial area is the tee box shape, which is a two-club-length deep rectangle, measured from the tee markers you are playing from during your round.

    You can stand outside of the teeing area as long as your ball is within the teeing area.

  • Tee box is an informal golf term often used to describe the rectangular space within the teeing area where you are allowed to tee up your ball.

It’s important to note that the boundaries of the teeing area are determined by the edges of the short grass, while the specific rectangular space known as the tee box is defined by the tee markers.

The Position And Purpose Of A Tee Box

The tee box is located in the area where play begins in each hole of golf.

Here are some purposes and advantages:

  • Level ground: The tee box provides a flat and even surface where golfers can make their initial golf swing. Whether you’re on a par 3 golf course or a links course, this helps to ensure fairness to start the round.

  • Marked boundaries: Using tee markers, golfers have a clearly defined area where they must tee off from.

  • Managed setup: Since the tee box is one of the few areas on a golf course where the golf ball stays put, it gives golfers the chance to control their golf shot more than anywhere else on the course.

  • Choice of tees: Tee box markers typically come in a range of colors which each correspond to a different level of difficulty or distance to the hole. This allows golfers to choose the tee that best suits their skill level.

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golf course image with labels for teeing area tee box and tee box markers

Components And Colors Of A Tee Box

The Components Of The Tee Box Are:

  • Tee markers: These are usually colored rocks or other elements that are used to mark the tee box section of the teeing area. Different colors are used to represent different distances to the hole or levels of difficulty.

  • Tee: A golf tee is a small peg, commonly made from plastic or wood. It is used to hold your golf ball off the ground, making it easier to strike cleanly when you are taking your first swing at each hole.

  • Ground Surface: The teeing area is usually level ground with low-cut grass the same height as the fairway.

pink golf ball on tee with club

What Do The Colors Of The Tee Box Mean?

Tee boxes commonly come in three colors: red, white, and blue. Each color signifies a different distance from the hole.

  • Red Tees: These are closest to the hole. They are primarily used by female golfers, beginners, or high-handicap players who are more comfortable taking their first shot from a closer distance to the hole.

  • White Tees: These are usually the choice for average golfers or seniors who can drive the ball with some power but still have a slightly higher handicap.

  • Blue Tees: These are usually positioned farthest from the hole and are generally reserved for experienced or low-handicap golfers.

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There are other colors that some courses may also use such as green, gold, black, or silver. These tee box markers’ purposes can vary for things like championship play but are less commonly seen.

Rules And Regulations Of A Tee Box

The official definition of a teeing area by the USGA is a rectangle that is two club lengths deep where:

  • The front edge is defined by the line between the forward-most points of two tee markers set by the Committee, and

  • The side edges are defined by the lines back from the outside points of the tee markers.

In simpler terms, envision an imaginary line that connects the front point of the two tee markers. Then the side edges of the box would come down from the outer points of the tee markers.

You must never hit the ball from in front of the tee markers. You can stand outside the teeing area as long as your ball is within the teeing area.

Playing Your Ball From The Teeing Area

  • Make sure to play your ball from inside the designated teeing area.

  • Teeing area rules apply when you're required or allowed to play from there.

  • The teeing area includes any part of the ground where the ball touches or is above.

  • You can stand outside the teeing area while making a stroke.

  • You can use a tee or play the ball directly from the ground.

Golf Ball Usage During A Hole

  • A hole is played by progressing from the teeing area to the putting green and into the hole.

  • You should use the same ball played from the teeing area until the hole is completed.

  • Exceptions: If the ball is lost, goes out of bounds, or if substitution is allowed, you can use a different ball.

  • It's a good idea to mark the ball for identification.

Tee Box Etiquette

Order Of Play

Maintaining the proper order of play in the tee box ensures a smooth flow on the golf course. Here are some guidelines:

  • Usually the player with the lowest score on the previous hole tees off first.

  • Once the first player completes their shot, the next player can go, and so on.

  • Golfers should wait their turn to avoid confusion or potential accidents.

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Preparing For Your Shot

Proper preparation before taking your shot from the tee box helps maintain a steady pace and shows respect for other players. Here are some suggestions:

  • Be ready when it’s your turn. Prepare your club selection and take practice swings while other golfers are playing.

  • Limit distractions, such as excessive conversation or unnecessary movement, to maintain focus.

  • Position your golf bag in a way that will allow easy access to your golf clubs and doesn’t get in the way of other players.

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Respecting Other Players

One of the many benefits of golf is that it provides a positive atmosphere to have fun. One of golf’s traditions is the respect players show to one another, and you should follow that etiquette. Here are some ways to show respect:

  • Remain quiet and still when someone is preparing to take their shot.

  • Avoid unnecessary movements or distractions that may disrupt someone’s concentration.

  • Offer encouragement and support to fellow players while avoiding loud noises or cheering that may distract others.

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How To Help Maintain The Tee Boxes

Doing your part to take care of the tee box contributes to the overall course management and helps other players have an enjoyable experience. Here are some ways to help:

Replace or repair divots made during your shot. According to the USGA, you should:

  • If the divot is intact and has soil attached, put it back in its original position and firmly press it down with your foot. This ensures good contact between the turf roots and the soil, aiding in the divot's healing process.

  • If there are noticeable gaps between the divot and the surrounding turf, fill them with divot mix. Use your foot to smooth it out, helping the turf to knit back together.

When dealing with a divot that lacks soil or has broken into small fragments, it is important to follow these steps for proper handling:

  • Fill the divot with divot mix, which could be pure sand or contain seed for recovery, depending on the course and grass types.

  • Add the mix until it is slightly below the height of the surrounding turf.

  • Smooth the mix and press it down with your foot.

  • Take a moment to ensure the level is just right. Too little mix affects playability and healing, while too much mix can cause playability issues and damage mowing equipment.

RELATED: Golf Drinking Games From The Tee Box


There you have it, tee boxes in golf explained! If you found my post helpful, please share it so others can benefit from it as well.


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